› A Dual-Scale LES Model for Sub-Filter Dynamics of Phase Interfaces During Atomization - Marcus Herrmann, Arizona State University
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› Dispersion of a passive scalar around a Taylor bubble - Davide Picchi, University of Brescia
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Interface Retaining Coarsening of Multiphase Flows -
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Subgrid-scale models for turbulent particle-laden flows from dilute to dense regimes - Jesse Capecelatro, University of Michigan
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Role of solid and soft particles in tuning microfluidic dripping to jetting transitions -
10:20-10:40 (20min)
› Experimental analysis of the flow-induced noise, structure acceleration and two-phase flow jet velocity at the outlet of a thermal expansion valve -
10:40-11:00 (20min)
› Experimental Observation and Temperature Measurement of Lateral Hydrate Growth on a Sessile Droplet - Christos Markides - Imperial College London
11:00-11:20 (20min)
› Influence of Air Entrainment on Quenching of a Solid Sphere -
11:20-11:40 (20min)