The first edition of the European-American-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting will be hosted by Prof. Rémi Revellin (INSA Lyon, France) in Chamonix, France from 23rd Oct. to 27th Oct. 2022 inclusiveParticipation is strictly by invitation only.

The idea of the group meeting was first initiated by Prof. Iztok Zun (European Research Community) and Prof. Goichi Matsui (Japanese Society of Multiphase Flow) and led to a series of eight joint European-Japanese meetings. Fruitful and exciting exchange of information occurred during the previous editions (Portoroz - June 1998, Tsukuba - September 2000, Certosa di Pontignano – September 2003, Kyoto - September 2006, Spoleto - September 2009, Kumamoto – September 2012, Zermatt - October 2015 and New York – April 2018). At the European-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting held in New York in 2018, Prof. John Thome (EPFL, Switzerland) and Prof. Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University, Japan) suggested to hold a joint three-way meeting with the Americas (North and South). As a result, the bilateral meeting (European-Japanese) hosted this time by Europe has become a trilateral meeting. 

Prof. Revellin is the meeting Host/Organizer and Prof. Thome is the European Delegate. In tandem, Prof. Tomiyama is the Japanese Delegate and Prof. Tryggvason is the Americas Delegate.

This joint meeting will provide a discussion platform that motivates a fruitful emergence of new ideas that can be immediately put into practice in current research, to set up collaborations with research groups in Europe, Americas and in Japan, and to provide a good insight of the latest research occurring in the most qualified European, American and Japanese laboratories of two-phase flow. The special features of the European – American - Japanese Group meetings are:

  • presentations dealing with fresh material (work in progress);
  • quality attendance by invitation only (about 60 participants);
  • ample time for discussion;
  • plenary sessions;
  • informal meeting opportunities;

The 2022 Meeting will be held at the Alpina Electric Hotel**** in Chamonix located in front of the Mont Blanc. The meeting participants will be lodged in this Hotel.


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